VA News VFW Joins TikTok's 'Veteran Voices' InitiativeVFW and Humana Provide 36 Tons of Food'Skills They Can Use Throughout their Lives''Incredibly Grateful to the VFW'Feeding the Community'[We] Can Still Contribute to Our Communities'Surfing 'Removes All the Triggers''Interest Seemed to Skyrocket''It Really Does Take A Community''This Job Gives Me Purpose''America Inspires Me to Dream Big''We Have an Amazing Community Here''That Is What Matters To Us'WWII Vet HonoredThanking Vietnam War Vets'We Are Going to be Here Until the Families Don't Need Us Anymore'Honor the FallenA 'Beacon of Hope' for VeteransFamily Day'We Are Honored to Render the Proper Respect to All American Flags'